Third-Party Data: 20 Expert…
In today’s digital marketplace, businesses are working to find ways to leverage third-party…
Empowering charismatic founders with the technology
to start their cross-border payment companies in days
We empower passionate entrepreneurs and business visionaries to kickstart their payment ventures effortlessly. We remove entry barriers for non-technical and charismatic founder
Start your payment company within days,
not months
Connect to over 45 corridors, including major markets like China and Turkey.
Full suite of tools, including robust KYC/KYB systems and virtual bank account providers.
Control your margins and effortlessly add more corridors as your business expands.
Full suite of tools, including robust KYC/KYB systems and virtual bank account providers.
Full suite of tools, including robust KYC/KYB systems and virtual bank account providers.
Full suite of tools, including robust KYC/KYB systems and virtual bank account providers.
In today’s digital marketplace, businesses are working to find ways to leverage third-party…
In the dynamic world of commerce, collecting payments from customers is a vital…
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Our Transfer is N10 and we charge as low as 0.40% capped at N75 on cash out
We provide you with a payment platform that you can call your own. You can customize the logo on the receipt, the operating system, the color of the PoS terminals, and lots more. Basically, you focus on marketing while we build solutions that allow you compete in the local and international market.
The minimum number of PoS you can buy is 50 PoS Terminals.
We are working with major licensed PTSPs in Nigeria.